lundi 11 janvier 2010

Create GIST Index for PostgreSQL/Postgis

PostgreSQL/Postgis can't update automatically her  spatial reference system for
updating PostgreSQL/Postgis table You can proceed for all the tables which have Geometry collumns.
A script named 'createGISTIndex.sql' is provided in the 'SQL' dir in the Gisgraphy distribution to create all the GIST indexes for all the tables and this can be a good exemple.
- usage : psql -UYOURUSER -h -d gisgraphy -f /path/to/file/createGISTIndex.sql

\connect gisgraphy
\echo will create all the index needed by gisgraphy to improve performance,
\this make take a while depends on how many data are in database
\echo will create Geonames Index
CREATE INDEX locationIndexAdm ON adm USING GIST (location);
CREATE INDEX locationIndexAirport ON airport USING GIST (location);
CREATE INDEX locationIndexAmusePark ON amusePark USING GIST (location);
CREATE INDEX locationIndexAqueduc ON quay USING GIST (location);

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Qui êtes-vous ?

Paris, Île de France, France
I'm a textbook computer geek, who has a keen interest in programming, GIS and mapping.

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